Sunday 10 March 2013

Super Hero Games

Super Hero Games Description
There was a moment in the movie Spider-Man where I realised that Sam Raimi really knew what the character and the comics was all about; the moment Peter Parker throws off his fear, his guilt, his teenage angst and heads out into the city, swinging from building to building, tumbling acrobatically through the air in a glorious celebration of his newfound super powers. The rest of the film and the sequel confirmed it – freedom, great power and, of course, great responsibility – all the great themes and pleasures of a classic comic-book enshrined in celluloid for everyone to enjoy.
Super Hero Games
 Super Hero Games
 Super Hero Games
 Super Hero Games
 Super Hero Games
 Super Hero Games
 Super Hero Games
 Super Hero Games
 Super Hero Games
 Super Hero Games
 Super Hero Games
 Super Hero Games    

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