Monday 11 March 2013

Super Hero Party

Super Hero Party Description
As I said above, SUPER HERO PARTY CLOWN is a sweet-natured movie. It is lighter than air and aspires to be nothing more than a nice message about the virtues of being yourself and inspiring children to do the same. Blair is a very affable lead and delivers a fine performance as the tormented and conflicted Eugene. Barnes and Sessa are a bit too one-dimensional but the script really doesn’t allow them to be anything else. Sutherland is the wild card who constantly overacts in a way that was probably funny on set but comes off as too much on-screen. Thankfully Inman didn’t focus more time on him as a little bit of Garth goes a very, very long way
Super Hero Party
 Super Hero Party
 Super Hero Party 
 Super Hero Party 
 Super Hero Party 
 Super Hero Party
 Super Hero Party
 Super Hero Party
 Super Hero Party
 Super Hero Party
 Super Hero Party
 Super Hero Party   

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